Warriors, mark your calendars! Here's your lineup of exciting events from May 19th to August 14th:
5/19 - 3pm - WHS Athletic Awards Program @ FAC
5/20 - 7pm - WHS Graduation A ASU
5/24 - Last Student Day for School Year
5/27 - Memorial Day
5/31 - Trap @ Jacksonville - State Shoot
6/24 - 7pm - School Board Meeting-HS Library
7/4 - Independence Day - School Closed
7/15 - 7pm - School Board Meeting-HS Library
8/1 - New Teacher Orientation
8/5-8 - Required Teacher Professional Dev.
8/14 - First Day of School
Stay tuned to the calendar throughout the summer for any updates or additional events.
Bono, Cash, Egypt & Jonesboro - With summer right around the corner, it's time to think about keeping children healthy while school is out. Westside Consolidated School District provides free meals to children during the summer.
This summer, meals will be served at Westside Elementary from June 3rd to July 31st with the exception of July 4th & 5th. Breakfast will be served from 8:00-9:00 and lunch at 11:00-12:00. There are no income requirements or registration. Anyone 18 or younger may come to eat.
For more information, contact Chastidy Hedge, chedge@westsideschools.org or 879-935-7501 ext. 4262. Each year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture partners with local organizations like Westside Schools to provide free meals to children when school is out for the summer. For more Summer Meals Sites, go to: https://www.fns.usda.gov/meals4kids
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
We will have a double bus route today. Bus 86 students will be picked up by 78 today at 4:20 when it finishes its first route.
Bus 86 students will be dropped off approximately 30 to 40 minutes late today. Sorry for the inconvenience.
🎉Congratulations 🎉to our Warriors of the Month for April! These students were chosen for following the monthly character word which was⭐ Perseverance⭐. Keep up the great work!
Due to the forecast for this Friday, we have made the decision to move Warrior Games to Thursday, May 16th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your support in making this event better for our students. Parents, check with your child's teacher through class dojo for more specific information.
🎓🌹 Attention all Pre-K and Kindergarten families! 🌟 Mark your calendars for two special occasions: Pre-K Recognition on May 13th and Kindergarten Graduation on May 14th. Let's celebrate these milestones with joy and Warrior Pride! While you're there, don't forget to grab a teddy bear and rose to make their day even more unforgettable.
(Sponsored by WHS Band Boosters)
Don't miss out on these exciting events for next week! Mark your calendars, Warriors!
Warrior Events, May 13th - 17th
5/13 - 6pm - Pre-K Recognition @ FAC
5/13 - 6pm - WES PTO Meeting - Cafeteria
5/13 - 6pm - WHS Band Booster Meeting @ FAC
5/13 - 7pm - School Board Meeting @ HS Library
5/14 - 6pm - Kindergarten Graduation @ FAc
5/14 - WMS Art Show
5/15 - 6pm - WHS Athletic Booster Meeting @ Cafe
5/16 - 8am - WHS Academic Awards Program @ FAC
5/16 - 4pm - Volleyball/Basketball Red/White Games
5/17 - 6pm - Football Red/White Games
5/17 - WMS Band Banquet @ Safehouse
Attention Westside community! Due to the forecasted weather this evening, the Westside Middle School Safehouse will be open. Please take advantage of this resource and stay safe, Warriors!
Get ready for a week filled with exciting events! Don't miss out on these opportunities to support our Warriors. May 6th - 10th
5/6 - 6pm - WHS Parent Meeting-Student Success Plans & Course Information - FAC
5/6 - 6pm - WHS Band Booster Mtg - Band Room
5/7 - WES Atlas Reading Summative
5/7 - 6pm - WES MiniSingers Spring Concert @ FAC
5/9 - 6:30pm - WHS Band Spring Concert @ FAC
5/10 - WMS Band Picnic
5/10 - 6pm - WHS Band Banquet A WES Cafeteria
Double bus route today.
Bus 90 students will ride on bus 73 today. They will leave campus at the normal time. The bus 73 route will be completed before starting to drop bus 90 students off. Expect a 25 min delay with bus 90 students getting home.
Congratulations to WES Employees of the Month for April! We appreciate all that these ladies do for our school!
Certified: Lindsey McNair
Classified: Kristy Turner
Baseball/Softball Regional Tournament Update: AAA has moved Thursday's games to Maumelle High School, 100 Victory Lane, Maumell, AR 72113. Warrior Baseball will play at 10:00 a.m. and Warrior Softball will play at 12:30 p.m. There will be no concessions and coolers will be allowed. Ticket procedures will remain the same at https://gofan.co/app/school/AR4693 online ticket purchase only, $7 per person.
The May 2024 Parent Newsletter is now available for viewing! 🎉 Stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and important information by checking out the newsletter today!
From WES: Our 3rd and 4th grade students did a great job on the Science ATLAS Summative test today! We are proud of how hard they worked.
Just a reminder that they will take the math summative on Tuesday, April 30, and the reading summative assessment on Tuesday, May 7. Both tests will be given in the morning. We need these students to arrive on time so they are able to test with their class and not get checked out until their test is complete. Once a student begins a test, they must complete it within that school day.
We will have a double bus route today. Bus 94 will run it's normal route and then return to pick up bus 79 students. Bus 79 students will leave the campus around 4:15 pm.
The Westside Elementary GT students had a field trip to the Museum of Discovery in Little Rock. They listened to presentations concerning chemical reactions and participated in a few themselves. They also visited the hands - on exhibits throughout the museum. It was a day full of fun and learning!
At Westside, we're not just educators; we're mentors, guides, and champions of learning. With our motto 'Committed to Learn...Committed to Lead', we instill a culture of lifelong learning and leadership in our students, empowering them to excel in their chosen fields and make a positive impact on the world. We're Warriors! ❤🤍
Questions regarding Public School Choice Act of 2015, can be forwarded to the Westside Consolidated School District at 870-935-7501, extension 8015. You can find a School Choice Application here: https://www.westsideschools.org/page/school-choice
Here's what's happening at our school next week, April 22nd-27th. Don't miss out on these exciting events! Let's support our Warrior athletes, scholars, and artists! Go Warriors! ❤🤍
4/22 - Baseball/Softball District Tournament @ Home
4/22 - Soccer vs Wynne @ HOme
4/22 - 5pm - Homeschool Mtg @ WES Cafe
4/22 - 6:15pm - Sr Night for Track & Trap @ Home
4/23 - WMS ATLAS Reading Summative
4/23 - Track - SR Conference Meet @ Pocahontas
4/23 - WES ATLAS Sciene Summative
4/23 - WMS Spring Choir Concert - FAC
4/24 - WMS ATLAS Math Summative
4/24 - WHS ATLAS Reading Summative
4/25 - WHS ATLAS Math Summative
4/25 - WMS ATLAS Science Summative
4/26 - WHS ATLAS Science Summative
4/26 - Soccer vs Lisa West @ Home
4/26 - Soccer Sr Night
4/26 - 7pm - Thespian Induction - FAC
4/27 - Trap @ Corning
There will be a combined bus route today. Bus 90 will be taking bus 90 and bus 73 kids home together today. Bus 90 kids will be home about 15-20 minutes late.
WES PTO Springfest is this Saturday, April 20, 10am-2pm! We are excited but we need volunteers to make this day the best it can be. If you are able to help PTO, reach out to a PTO representative or email Lauren Wall at lwall@westsideschools.org. We appreciate your help, and we look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday!